Saturday, September 16, 2017

Broken Pen

My pen is broken
There's blood splattered on the page

It once shone of steel
This twisted nib,
It now rusts
Like my voice. 

The ink from its veins
Hangs out to dry
Like unclaimed meat
In a butcher's stall

I can hear a faint throbbing,
One drop after another, 
It's dripping...
I know it's just the beginning

I hear their voices
Like the witches of Macbeth
They're crackling in laughter,
All meaning is lost

I want to shriek,
I want to shriek
This guilt inside me
Catches my throat;
I want to shriek,
I want to shriek
An overbearing shame
Snatches my voice.

Holding my thoughts hostage 
This fear is merciless
Gunning down my conviction
These doubts show no remorse;
There's no end to reproach,
I'm trapped 
In a womb of silence.

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